Tag Archives: learning

Lessons learned at Lo Jolla Tide Pools (part 2)

8 Aug

My son hates the beach!

Helping our kids experience new things

little boy upset

"I want to go home!"

As a mom I always struggle with how much to push my kids to try new things, especially when they claim to “hate it” and cry at the site of it. Do I let them keep hating something so wonderful as a park or beach? Or do I try to give them a better experience of it until they appreciate it? Well here is something else Rockford and I learned at the tide pools.

Lessons learned at Lo Jolla Tide Pools (part1)

4 Aug

This is how he learned

This is what I learned

little boy on beach sand

Curiosity starts early

Looking back at all the pictures I had taken at the La Jolla tide pools I couldn’t help but think of all the lessons learned on this simple trip to the beach. I had to break it down to three posts. I hope you can appreciate these learning moments with me.